STX Memory Mesh Review -

STX Memory Mesh Review

Why is STX Memory Mesh taking the college game by storm this Spring? Savvy players are finally figuring it out. STX Memory Mesh is designed to bag out under pressure (a.k.a cradling) and t

Why is STX Memory Mesh taking the college game by storm this Spring? Savvy players are finally figuring it out. STX Memory Mesh is designed to bag out under pressure (a.k.a cradling) and then suck back to normal position when there is no load on the mesh. So what’s the big deal‚Ķ well drop a ball in and it’s legal‚Ķ but start to cradle or shoot and you will quickly see why the pros like to play with pockets that are ‚Ķ let’s say‚Ķ not exactly allowed on a collegiate or high school field. Say what? Yup, that is right. After you break in STXMemory Mesh for about a week, it starts to bag out perfectly. Yet when at rest, with a ball in it, the mesh can be strung completely legal. Toss, cradle, rip with amazing hold and then the mesh retains its “memory ” and goes back to the original form where you strung it.

So if you want to experience what it is like to buzz down the alley and absorb some contact without ball rattle, and then unload on thecage with maximum torque - you may want to pick up a few pieces of this stuff. Also, for you attackman who like to razzle dazzle behind the cage - this lacrosse mesh sucks the ball into a point where it’s almost unfair. See Memory Mesh in action in this LIVE STRINGING VIDEO.

Based on the success of the original Memory mesh, STX is introduced Memory Mesh SUPERSOFT. Like the best selling ECD HERO 2.0 Semi-soft mesh, the new STX MEMORY MESH SUPERSOFT feels even more broken in out of the box. SUPERSOFT will also add even more hold and stretch to your pocket. If you are an outside shooter or ball handler in traffic.. you simply have to try this new mesh to see what all the college guys are talking about.

LSMs and close D guys, we don’t even really need to tell you what a bonus this semi-soft bag will be to your pole. Scoop and run through traffic and fake the shots right off that guy making a play at you midfield. STX Memory Mesh gives players a bit of an unfair advantage that is just fine when the ref picks up your stick. Try some STX Memory Mesh if you are the type of player who likes a deep pocket. More and more high school guys are starting to catch on here and STX barely has enough of this stuff to make it through the season, we think. offers a wide variety of men and womens lacrosse equipment for every players ability. If you have any questions about what might be for you or your player, feel free to give our Pro’s a call at 855-255-5294. We will be able to tell you what we think is right based on your age, ability and position.

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