FLG in 3D Fall Lacrosse Shootout - Lax.com

FLG in 3D Fall Lacrosse Shootout

Featuring over 80 teams from across the United States and several from Canada, the FLG in 3D Fall Shootout was held in Middletown, Delaware at Appoquinimink High School. Played in front of coaches
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Featuring over 80 teams from across the United States and several from Canada, the FLG in 3D Fall Shootout was held in Middletown, Delaware at Appoquinimink High School. Played in front of coaches from the top DI, DII, and DIII schools, the two day long event was one of the most highly anticipated recruiting event of the fall. In the fourth year of its partnership,, FLG in 3d was started as a way to give lacrosse teams of any experience level and players of any talent level, the chance to compete in front of college recruiters that might not be exposed to in their home towns. Along with STX, the official partner of 3d Lacrosse, Lax.com was on hand for the entire tournament. Check out Part One of our hihlgiths from the action featuring teams like Edge Canada, Low and Away 2019, 3D New England 2019, and many more!

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