's Best College Lacrosse Goals of 2017 -'s Best College Lacrosse Goals of 2017

The 2017 college lacrosse season was one for the record books. With the debut of a new Division One men's team at Cleveland State and perhaps the most talented freshman class in years grabbing the spo
Air Force Academy vs Boston University Reading's Best College Lacrosse Goals of 2017 2 minutes Next Team USA Blue vs White
The 2017 college lacrosse season was one for the record books. With the debut of a new Division One men's team at Cleveland State and perhaps the most talented freshman class in years grabbing the spotlight early in the spring, 2017 had everything a fan could ask for. The season culminated on Memorial Day Weekendwith the same school capturing both the mens and women's championship for the second straight season, as the Maryland Terrapins once again hoisted the title, with the men winningthe national championship for the first time in 42 years. Maryland also saw a sweep in postseason awards, as seniors Matt Rambo and Zoe Stukenburg captured the prestigious Tewaaraton Awards. Throughout the season, was on the sidelines bringingyou the very best highlights from both the mens and womens game. To put a final bow on the season, here are the very best goals we captured during the 2017 collegiate lacrosseseason! Subscribe to LaxDotcomTV See More Lacrosse Highlights For Usage Permission/Questions/Submissions, please email: Be sure to check out on Social Media! *Instagram *Facebook *Twitter *Womens Instagram *Pinterest To Learn More About Lacrosse and Receive Exclusive Deals, Enter Our Mailing List:

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